Thursday, July 26, 2012

How to F.O.C.U.S.

Forget trying to get the kids to focus, I'm the one having problems concentrating! So, here are a few tips to help moms (or anyone else) focus on the task at hand, which will enable you to finish sooner.

F - FACEBOOK (Twitter, blogs, email, etc.) = NOT! Turn it off for a while!

O - ONE thing at a time. Even for multitasking mom mavens, it's best to concentrate on doing one thing WELL at a time. You'll find that you're really more efficient in the long run.

C - CONCENTRATE on whatever is in front of you. Don't be distracted by the T.V., kids jumping on the trampoline, or the cats chasing each other. Bonus: CAFFEINE helps--sometimes. You know yourself; if it helps, have some. If not, don't.

U - UNDERSTAND that you will have interruptions no matter how good your intentions (and/or instructions) are. Sometimes your own thoughts will interrupt you with other things you have to do; write down whatever pops into your mind so you can get it out of your head and focus on what you're supposed to be doing.

S - STAY on task for a specified length of time or until you meet a certain goal. Make short goals (to write 1,000 words, to clean 1 kitchen cabinet, to make 1 project, or whatever), meet each goal, then take a short break. Bonus: SLEEP. It's a good thing. Get some.

Today's confession: I scribbled the outline for this post while I was trying to focus on another writing project!

Q4U: What are your best tips for focusing on the task at hand?


  1. Oh boy. I love this post. But I have 5 children aged 10yrs to 5 months. Some days I just have to remember that my job is to take care of and train the children. Any other stuff that gets done is the bonus!

  2. Great post! I'm not a mom, but I love having an organized life! My tip goes along with the Facebook comment, but I set specific times for checking & replying to emails. Otherwise I will lose focus on important tasks at hand to answer non-urgent emails. Thanks for the tips!
