Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Amy Bayliss on Pursuit of Proverbs 31

We women thrive on and love to multitask. There is definitely a time and place for multitasking, but somethings are better left to focus on by itself. Creating a home or revamping a system is one of them. Read all of Ecclesiastes 3. God created seasons so that the earth could function in such a way that it totally and completely sustained life. This same principle can be applied to managing your home. You don't need to mow the grass in winter and you don't need to shovel snow in the spring so your ways of managing the home should change accordingly. Your plans should also change according to your seasons of life. A couple with no children would have different tasks from a family of six. This is why it is so important that you do not compare yourself to others. I love how in Ecclesiastes 3 it is said that there is a time to dance, there is a time to cry, there is a time to plant, and a time to harvest. There is a time for everything. Vital to our life and home is our dependence on God to help us determine what time it is. Focus on the things you need to do now and let other, unnecessary things go. If you've ever wanted to tear the 31st chapter of Proverbs out of your bible this book is for you. She is a wife, mom, business owner, seamstress, she serves the needy, speaks life and wisdom, and seems to be quite the major overachiever, perfectionist type. Except that...she's not. Come along and journey with Amy and take a look at the real woman of Proverbs 31. She isn't as perfect as she seems. In fact, I think she is a lot like you and me. If you want the Kindle version, get it here: Pursuit of Proverbs 31 for Kindle. You can also download the free Kindle app on your PC, iPad, iPhone, or many other devices. For the downloadable, printable PDF version, get it here: Pursuit of Proverbs 31  
Amy Bayliss Amy is a small town Cajun girl living life in the big city. She and her husband Ryan have four children, all boys, ranging in age from toddler to teen! Amy is a full-time blogger and WP designer at My Southern Media. You can visit her at her personal blog, Cajun Joie de Vivre or you can follow her ramblings on Twitter and keep up with her mischief on Facebook.
 Thanks, Amy!

1 comment:

  1. So glad I found you today.
